Homework Links
English Homework Links
Study Guides and Novel Summaries
Language Homework Links
Translate multiple languages
Online language dictionaries for multiple languages
Literature study guide. Searches free book notes and study guides
Math Homework Links
Computational Knowledge Search Engine
Math Exercises for Jr. Kindergarten to Grade 11
Activities for students to do at home connected to chapter lessons in the Nelson textbook or activity book
Math help for students in Grades 7 to 10. One-on-one live tutoring from Ontario teachers. Service is free to students in Ontario, Canada
Activities at all grade levels across strands using ‘virtual’ manipulatives
Math challenges for families
Free resources and exercises to assist Grade 4, 5 and 6 students and parents, integrating online math games and tools
CLIPS (Critical Learning Instructional Paths Support) are web-based interactive supports for students from Grade 7 to Grade 12. They provide precise, personalized learning activities.
Provides activities related to fractions for Grades 4 to 6 students.
Mental math game
Prodigy is a fun math game for Grades 1-8 your kids will actually want to play!
Math Playground is a site offering math games and puzzles
Math learning and teaching resources
Family Math helps parents and children share their thinking & understanding of mathematics